16 Ways to Level Up Your Leadership

Hey Safety Leaders! Ready to level up your leadership skills?

We’re excited to bring you a series of tips on leading up, down, sideways, and every which way—because let’s face it, leadership isn’t a straight line!

Whether you’re guiding a team, influencing peers, or mastering self-leadership, these insights will help you elevate your impact and effectiveness. And, don’t worry, we’ve kept each one short and sweet—we know you’ve got lots on your plate.

Tips for Leading Up ⬆️

Influencing up is essential for safety leaders. It enables you to advocate effectively for the resources, support, and changes needed to maintain a safe and productive workplace.

Here are some key tips for leading up and making a real impact at the executive level…

Tip #1. Link safety to the bottom line

Do you know what keeps your manager up at night? Show how your safety plans not only protect everyone but also hit those sweet strategic business goals. Safer work = smarter business!

Tip #2. Keep the updates coming

Be the person who always has their ducks in a row. Send your manager regular, concise updates on what’s happening in safety. Keep it high-level and use clear, simple data that’s easy to forward on. Make safety updates something they look forward to!

Tip #3. Be a problem solver

When you hit a snag, don’t just bring the problem—bring potential solutions too. This shows you’re on top of things and can handle challenges as they come. Or, if it’s an urgent problem without an obvious solution, be upfront and say so. Your manager will thank you for bringing it to their attention and can help you workshop a solution together.

Tip #4. Empower your manager

Keep your manager in the loop with the latest in safety—laws, tech, or potential risks on the horizon. Share information that makes decision-making smoother and shows you’re a proactive thinker.

Tip #5. Put your hand up

Step up and volunteer to represent your team in broader meetings or initiatives. It’s a win-win: your manager gets a breather, and you get to shine as a safety advocate!

Red siren iconShameless plug alert! 🚨 Nailed leading up? That’s just the beginning! Keep the momentum going with our Kickstart Your Career Template Kit. If you’re looking to make an even bigger impact and accelerate your career trajectory, this kit is your next step. Grab yours here.

Tips for Leading Sideways ➡️

The best leaders know they’re not just influencing up and down. Getting your peers on board—even those from other departments—isn’t just good for your projects; it’s good for your career.

Here are some strategic tips for effectively leading sideways and building influential relationships.

Tip #6. Be visible

It’s not just your manager who has influence over your success. Boost your success by connecting with different departments. Regular visits, open communication, and building alliances can turn colleagues into your biggest supporters.

Tip #7. Walk in their shoes

How well do you know the challenges your peers face outside of safety? Dive into their world! Understanding their daily hurdles builds empathy and sparks genuine collaboration.

Tip #8. Show ’em how it’s done

Set the gold standard by consistently demonstrating safe behaviors. But don’t stop there! Lead the charge, rally your peers, and host knowledge-sharing sessions to celebrate wins and tackle challenges together.

Tip #9. Leave the door open

Invite your peers to see you as the go-to safety guru! Offer to assist with safety-related issues and questions. You’ll build credibility, spread goodwill, and boost your influence.

Icon of a power plug being disconnectedShameless plug alert! 🚨 Just rocked the leading sideways section? Fantastic! Now, why not supercharge those newfound skills with our Stakeholder Plan Template? It’s not just about recognising faces in the hallway; it’s about strategically engaging with every connection. Map your network like a master strategist and turn casual contacts into crucial allies. Grab yours here.

Tips for Leading Down ⬇️

Leading down might seem straightforward, but there’s an art to doing it well. It’s all about empowering your team, uniting them under a common goal, and collaborating to make those goals a reality. Ready to transform your leadership style into one that truly motivates and energises your team?

Here are some tips to elevate your approach.

Tip #10. Hunt the good stuff

Make it your mission to celebrate every safety achievement, no matter how small. Highlighting these wins boosts morale, encourages positive behavior, and sparks learning and growth. Be the cheerleader your team needs!

Tip #11. Get stuff done

Don’t just listen to feedback—act on it! Provide regular updates on challenges and improvement suggestions. Show everyone how you’re making real changes and getting things done.

Tip #12. Embrace the silence

Give space for ideas and questions to fully develop. Resist the urge to fill the silence immediately. Your patience will inspire more thoughtful contributions and active participation. Let the magic happen!

Tip #13. Get curious

Hit the floor and ask questions. Discover how work is really done to uncover what’s working and what’s not. Show your team you’re in it to improve things together.

Tips for Leading Yourself 🫵

Leading yourself might be the most overlooked aspect of leadership, but it’s absolutely crucial. Regular reflection and ongoing investment in your own development can profoundly impact your effectiveness as a leader. Wondering how to master self-leadership and set the stage for broader influence?

Our final set of tips are here to help you lead yourself with confidence and clarity.

Tip #14. Keep learning

Whether it’s books, seminars, or podcasts, keep your eyes and ears peeled. Don’t just stick to safety content—insight is everywhere! You might be surprised where your next big idea comes from. Stay curious and let the inspiration flow!

Tip #15. Fuel your fire

What ignites your leadership spark? Discover what truly fuels you—whether it’s tackling new challenges, mentoring others, or smashing team goals. Know your passions so you can bring your best self forward and light up your team!

Tip #16. Check your reflection

How often do you pause to reflect? Regular reflection isn’t just about looking back—it’s a powerful tool for personal growth. Set aside time to consider what drives your decisions and how you can improve. This self-awareness is a crucial investment that sharpens your leadership and influences your team positively.

Phew… We covered a lot of ground! If you found these tips helpful, make sure to bookmark them for later and share them with your network.

Blue electric table fan with power socket plugShameless plug alert! 🚨 We promise, this is our last one (for now)! If you’re a fan of the tips in this article, we’re here to up the ante with our Ultimate Career Kit Template Bundle. Whether you’re leading up, down, sideways, or focusing inward, this bundle has everything you need to supercharge every aspect of your career. From stakeholder mapping to career planning—equip yourself for success on all fronts. Ready to own your professional path? Grab this bundle and make every move count!

A few final words as we wrap up.

Remember that elevating your leadership is about much more than just managing tasks and teams. It’s about mastering the art of influence in all directions: up, down, sideways, and, crucially, within yourself.

By implementing the 16 tips we’ve explored, you’re not just stepping up your game; you’re transforming into a holistic leader who inspires change and drives success across the entire organisation.

Continue to reflect, adapt, and grow—your leadership journey is only just beginning!

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