5 Characteristics of a Great Safety Vision

Woman looking into distance with arms folded

To be an influential and effective leader you need a strong vision that people can get behind. Depending on the stage you’re at in your career, your vision might be a whole of business safety vision, a team safety vision or a personal leadership vision.

Whatever the case, a great safety vision has five key characteristics. It’s clear, actionable, relatable, motivational, and ambitious but achievable.

A great safety vision is clear

There’s no use in setting a vision to drive your safety strategy if people don’t understand it. Take the time to clearly articulate what you’re trying to achieve in a way that everyone can understand. Why does it matter? What will it look and feel like? Don’t rush this step. It’s possible that you might need different versions at the frontline than in your management meetings. If you can, pressure test your vision with a safe audience. Can they reiterate it back to you in their own words? If the answer is ‘yes’, you’re off to a great start!

It’s actionable

A safety vision needs to be more than a poster on a wall, or words on a website. It has to have a plan behind it. Consider the values that underpin it, the non-negotiables and commitments required, and the ongoing education and support mechanisms that will enable individuals to act on the vision day-to-day. Leave no doubt about what it will take to achieve the vision, and the attitudes and behaviours expected at every level of the business.

It’s relatable

Why is the vision important? Why should people care? Does achieving the vision, and supporting safe work, actively make their tasks, role and life better in some way? Do they know that? How? Is it because management told them? Or because they were invited and supported to find meaning in the vision for themselves?

If you’re operating in a team or business where there’s lots of corporate jargon, or a massive disconnect between management and the frontline, this might be your biggest challenge to overcome. Relatability and trust are fundamental to a successful safety vision. You may need to stop and reassess your plan to carefully consider how you’ll bring people on the journey.

It’s motivational

When a team is inspired by a vision, they know where they are going and what they need to do get there. And they do it; whether or not their leader is watching. A great safety vision needs to paint a picture of a more desirable, better and safer workplace. It needs to inspire growth and development. Otherwise, why bother in the first place?

Again, if trust is an issue in your workplace, you’ll need to consider how your vision fits into a bigger change journey. Take some time to consider the story that sits around your vision. How might you evoke a sense of purpose and pride for personal and team safety? (Hint: It’s not a voucher or a free lunch).

Finally, it’s ambitious but achievable

Great safety visions strike a balance between inspiring progress and being grounded in reality. A safety vision should promise a significant step-change for your team, organisation and/or community. It needs to be ambitious and present a better future than the current state. Put simply, it has to be worth the effort. Because if it’s not, it probably isn’t worthy of vision-status.

That said, your vision can’t be so ambitious that it feels lofty or out of reach. This doesn’t mean it has to be boring. It can still be exciting and inspiring, it just has to be achievable. This might be as simple as explaining how the vision will be achieved and breaking it down into smaller steps or stages. Make it as tangible as you can.

There’s a lot to consider when setting a safety vision for you team or business. But, like any big challenge or project—the key is in the planning. Doing the work up front will ensure that your vision has the best chance of success and the legacy you leave is one you will feel proud of.

Looking for support to create a great safety vision?

Our Vision Setting Kit for Leaders has you covered. It’s specifically designed to help you create a clear, compelling vision your team can get behind. With helpful tips and practical exercises, the step-by-step guide is suitable for all leader levels and contexts. Plus, it includes advice, tips and reflections from the SafetySocial community. Purchase your digital copy here.

Preview pages of the digital Vision Setting Leader Kit, available to purchase at shop.safety-social.com

Have you seen a great example of a safety vision? Share it below.👇🏻

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