Author name: SafetySocial

Two Male Construction Workers in orange safety vests eating sandwiches

The Power of Informal Interactions in Safety

This week, I relistened to an old episode of The Safety of Work podcast, hosted by David Provan and Drew Rae. The episode explored a topic every safety professional has wrestled with: Why do people break rules? It was packed with great insights, but one comment from Rae really stuck with me. He talked about

The Power of Informal Interactions in Safety

Diagram of The Energy Wheel

The Energy Wheel: A Simple Tool for Spotting Hazards

We all know the importance of spotting hazards to keep workplaces safe. But hereโ€™s the reality: most workers only identify around 45% of the hazards they face during a work shift. And it doesnโ€™t matter how experienced someone isโ€”these blind spots affect almost everyone.

The Energy Wheel: A Simple Tool for Spotting Hazards Read More ยป

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