How to Land Your Next Big Safety Role

Young male in safety uniform holding a radio, looking optimistic

Tips for Making Your Application Stand Out

With over 45,000 safety jobs advertised on Seek right now, competition for landing your next safety role has never been higher. To stand out as a safety professional or manager, your application needs to highlight your expertise, experience, and the specific value you bring to the role. You’ve got a limited window to catch attention, so how do you make the most of it?

We’ve got you covered. Here are six things you can do to make your resume and application shine.

Certified Safety Credentials

List any relevant certifications such as diplomas, certificates or courses you’ve completed that are relevant to the role. If you’re a Certified Safety Professional or Practitioner make sure to note this. These credentials not only demonstrate your commitment to your profession but also assure employers of your knowledge of industry standards and regulations. 

Quantifiable Achievements

Include specific examples of how you have improved safety in previous roles. Use quantifiable data where possible, such as “Reduced workplace claims by 30% within one year through implementation of a new ergonomic assessment process.” This shows potential employers your capability to effect change.

Knowledge of Safety Regulations

Clearly state your knowledge and experience with relevant local, state, and federal safety laws as well as regulations like WHS Acts, OSHA or other industry safety standards. This helps to establish your expertise and provides confidence in your ability to ensure safety compliance in the workplace.

Training and Leadership Experience

Detail your experience in designing and leading safety programs or projects. Highlight how you’ve educated teams on safe practices, and mention any leadership roles you’ve undertaken (formally or informally), showcasing your ability to manage and motivate teams towards maintaining and improving safety at work.

Targeted Safety Solutions

Show how you’ve tailored safety projects to meet specific workplace needs or to address unique challenges. This could involve innovative approaches to risk assessment, emergency response planning, or health and wellness initiatives. Demonstrate how you’ve taken your expertise and used it to understand the unique challenges faced by your current or previous employers for improved safety.

Personalise Your Application

In addition to tweaking your resume to suit each job, take the time to write a personalised cover letter. Address it to the hiring manager, clearly state the role you’re applying for and briefly address the key selection criteria to show how you’re a great fit for the role, team and business. Your cover letter should be brief and to the point. If you have an impressive achievement, make sure to include it. It will leave the hiring manager wanting more and encourage them to review your resume. 

Bonus Tip – Addressing Gaps in Experience

If there are gaps in your employment history, it’s important to acknowledge them upfront and be prepared to discuss them positively. In your resume or cover letter, briefly mention the reason for the gap (such as further education, personal development, or unforeseen circumstances) and focus on what you’ve done during that time to enhance your skills or prepare for your next role.

For example, if you took online courses, volunteered, or engaged in freelance projects related to safety management, highlight these activities. This shows potential employers your initiative and commitment to staying relevant in your field, even during downtime.

If you’re new to the field, or don’t have experience in a key area noted in the job listing, address this too. Skills can be taught and employers are often looking for a good cultural fit as much as a technical one. Showing your ability to learn on the job, do independent study or invest in your personal and professional development can go a long way to easing any concerns about lack of experience or qualification in a particular area. 

Including these elements will not only highlight your qualifications and achievements as a safety professional but also demonstrate your proactive and dedicated approach to creating and maintaining a safe work environment. 

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