Reframing in Action (Animation)

Imagine looking through a camera lens at the world around you. With a slight adjustment of focus or angle, the scene changes dramatically. This video explores how our ‘mental frames’—the perspectives we choose—shape the way we view situations in life and at work.

Join our safety supervisor as he learns the power of reframing. Watch how a potential conflict about PPE turns into a moment of understanding and connection, simply by shifting perspectives. 🧠🔄

Like photographers choosing their shots, we can all choose how we view the world around us. The next time you’re quick to capture a moment with your mental camera, remember to play with the angles. You might just capture a new, more powerful perspective.

Video Transcript

Picture this: you’re looking through a camera lens at the world around you.

The scene you capture changes dramatically with just a slight adjustment of your focus or angle.

Much like a photograph, the way we view situations in life is shaped by our ‘mental frames’ – the perspectives we choose.

When we shift these frames, the meaning of what we see changes, and with it, our thoughts, feelings and actions.

This is reframing in action—a powerful brain-based process that can help us to approach situations with curiosity and shift negative or limiting perspectives to positive, more empowering ones.

Now, meet our safety supervisor, camera at the ready, but he’s about to capture more than just images.

He’s zooming in on safety, or so he thinks, as he spots an employee without PPE.

Immediately his mind flashes to memories of a previous worker who was always removing his PPE on the job. He’s ready to call him out.

Before we develop this picture, let’s swap lenses. What if this isn’t a repeat of the past but a new moment entirely?

Our supervisor, with his new lens, approaches the situation with curiosity. He calmly asks the worker why he isn’t wearing his gloves.

It turns out they’re damaged, and the worker was on his way to swap them out for a safer pair.

Like photographers choosing their shots, we too can choose how we view the world around us.

So, the next time you’re quick to capture a moment with your mental camera, remember to play with the angles.

You might just capture a new, more powerful perspective.

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