Top 10 Books for Safety Leaders

Man surrounded by open books looking surprised

Discover your next read, as suggested by the SafetySocial community

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

— Dr Seuss

Great leaders are always learning. At SafetySocial we LOVE a good book recommendation. Whether you’re flipping the pages old-school style, e-reading your way through the latest best-seller or listening along at 2x speed while you hit the gym… there’s always a great read just around the corner! And what better way to find it than from your peers. We asked our community to share their top book recommendations for current and aspiring leaders and/or safety professionals. Here’s their top 10 books for safety leaders and where to find them.

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  1. Hidden Potential – Adam Grant
  2. Dare to Lead – Brené Brown
  3. Radical Candor – Kim Scott
  4. The Culture Code – Daniel Coyle
  5. The Fearless Organization – Amy Edmondson
  6. The Four Stages of Psychological Safety – Timothy R. Clark
  7. Essentialism – Greg McKeown
  8. Dysfunctional Practices: that kill your Safety Culture (and what to do about them) – Timothy Ludwig
  9. 7 Insights Into Safety Leadership – Thomas R. Krause and Kristen J. Bell

BONUS READS: Nothing above take your fancy? Here’s some bonus reads our community are loving right now:

Did we miss something? What would your list of the top 10 books for safety leaders look like? Let us know in the comments below 👇

Picture of the book covers of the top 10 books for safety leaders.

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